OnboardTV aims to highlight the very best videos taken from an on-board viewpoint, be it 360/VR experiences, roller coaster or driving thrill rides, or 8 hour “Slow TV” train journeys, time-lapses and nature drone fly-by adventures – we’ve got you covered! Where possible, we also try to give further information with showcased videos, by providing maps of routes, information about points of interest and anything else that might be useful for the viewer.
Our website is twinned with our YouTube Channel, also called OnboardTV, where we have collections of many of the videos we feature on the website, but in the typical YouTube Playlist format.
At OBYT (OnboardTV You Tube) we have also started to produce our own OnboardTV videos – and if you have any that you’d like featured on the site – please drop us a link via e-mail at info@onboardtv.net
Where possible, we like to be able to show the route of the journey on a map, alongside an elevation chart if it makes sense. We try and make these as accurate as possible, but sometimes we are basing the route on incomplete information. Also elevation data can come from a range of satellite sources, so there can be limits with accuracy precision.
GPX data
Under the maps, you’ll find a download link, this is for the GPX route data. You can use this data however you wish, feel free to mention us as the source of the data.